We are currently accepting new psychotherapy and counselling clients for in-person and virtual services.

Our Services

We are able to offer psychological services to residents of Ontario, British Columbia, Newfoundland & Labrador, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Our in-person office is located in Hamilton, ON.
Ability to serve provinces other than Ontario may change based on local laws.


Free Consult.

We are happy to offer a free 15 minute consultation for you to meet your therapist and ask questions. Finding a psychotherapist you feel compatible with is important and this meeting can help you determine if your therapist feels like the right fit. Please note that since you will not have signed consent forms at this time, no therapeutic work can be done in this meeting, though we would love to hear what you would like help with moving forward.



Paper Crane Psychotherapy Services offers virtual and in-person psychotherapy and counselling sessions for individuals. We work with individuals in their late teens (ages 16+) and adults. We specialize in:

  • Helping people who are struggling with motivation or self-compassion

  • Supporting people in living a life aligned with their values

  • Symptom management for individuals experiencing Depression, Anxiety, or Psychosis

  • Supporting individuals who have a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder

  • Helping people who are overwhelmed by life’s challenges, work, or school

If what you are looking for is not listed here, please do not hesitate to connect with us and we can chat about if we would be a good fit for you.



The standard fee for a 50-minute psychotherapy and counselling session is $145 plus tax. We have a limited number of sliding scale sessions available as well to accommodate those who do not find our standard fee accessible.

white couch

What to expect for your first session.

We know that starting psychotherapy can be daunting. For your first session, expect to go over consent forms, have a chance to ask questions and learn about your therapist, and then to talk about yourself. We want to learn about who you are, what you want help with, and how this problem is affecting your life. Every first session ends by collaboratively creating personalized goals for your time with us.

What kind of practitioner should I see?

Navigating mental health systems can be difficult. To help you make informed choices about your health, here is a quick explanation of the different professionals within the field.

  • Registered Psychotherapists (RPs) and Registered Social Workers (RSWs) are able to provide various forms of psychotherapy and counselling to help you work through general life challenges and specific mental health issues. You do not need a mental health diagnosis or a doctor referral to access these services, however if you have previously received a diagnosis from a psychologist, a psychotherapist can provide diagnostic-specific care to help you manage your symptoms. Services are not covered by OHIP, but are covered by most insurance plans (and if they’re not you can ask your employer to add them to your company’s coverage).

  • Psychologists are able to conduct psychotherapy and also diagnose for psychological disorders. Their services are often covered by OHIP if you are accessing care through a hospital or a diagnostic exam through a family doctor referral, though unfortunately the wait time through these means can be several months long. These services in the private sector will be faster but will probably not be covered by OHIP. Psychologists typically charge more for therapeutic services than psychotherapists, though their services also tend to be covered by private insurance.

  • Psychiatrists are most likely going to support you in medication consultation. They are also legally allowed to conduct psychotherapy, but due to the high demand for medication consultation they tend not to provide non-medication services. They often help with finding a medication combination that is right for you and once this balance is found, you will be referred back to your family doctor for ongoing management. Their services are covered by OHIP. Referral to a psychiatrist is often done through your family doctor.

  • Family doctors often act as a connection point between you and more specialized services (like a psychiatrist or psychologist). You do not need a family doctor referral to see a psychotherapist.

  • Counselling differs from psychotherapy because counselling focuses more on immediate short term situations whereas psychotherapy targets deeper and longer lasting behavioural, cognitive, and emotional change. Counsellors are allowed to provide counselling support but not psychotherapy. We encourage caution when choosing to work with a counsellor because counsellors are unregulated and not licensed in Ontario so there are less standards around the education and training needed to work as a counsellor, as well as around the quality of care they provide compared to other providers. This also means that it is unlikely for a counsellor to be covered by private insurance.